Email marketing

Email Marketing guide

It is a great way to learn email marketing. We will cover :

  • Email List Building
  • Improve your open rates. 
  • Write amazing news letters. 
  • Turn more subscribers into customers.
Email marketing

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a combination of two words. First Email and second marketing. Email stands for electronic mail and marketing means the process of start to end of product development to product sell after services to customers. So Email Marketing means the process of start to end of product development to product sell after services to customers through electronic mails. 

Email marketing is nothing it is just it sounds like doing marketing with the help of Email is called Email Marketing. It is a way to delivered your offers to your customers through emails.

Email marketing has the highest return of investment out of all marketing methods.The most common email marketing messages is that email newsletters, promotional campaigns and events announcements.

History of Email and Email Marketing :

It was 1978 when Ray Tomlinson invented and developed the email. He was an American computer programmer who implemented the first email program on the ARPANT system, the precursor to the Internet in 1997.

It was the first system able to send mail between users on different hosts connected to ARPANT. He is also known as the father of Email. 

The first email marketing blast was sent in 1998. The sender was a men named Gary Thurek who worked for digital Equipment core. His email blast sent to 400 recipients as a promotion  for his company's computers, and its actually resulted in $13 million in sales. 

Advantages of Email Marketing :

  • Effortable

The cost of Email marketing is much lower than any other marketing method.  There is no need to pay extra fees for advertisements and media spaces. 

  • Generate traffic 

If your website not getting much traffic in that case you can use the Email marketing techniques to increase your website traffic. With the help of Email marketing you can generate traffic to your website. 

  • Increase sales 
Email Marketing is also helpful to increase sales. For example if someone clicks on the links or perform the call to action. Email Marketing is useful in every stage of buying process. 

  • Time saving 
In Email Marketing you can use automation tools and that tools perform your website all tasks and responsed to your visitors. It will perform the basic level of your website tasks and now you have enough time to invest your time in your website advanced level works. 

  • Shareable 
In Email marketing it is easy to share and forward your website links. If someone wants to share and forward your email it is easy and simple to do. 

  • Communicating with your customer 
In Email Marketing you can communicate with your customers directly and ask them your website feedback and you can review it to improve your Web presence. 

  • Real time Marketing 
In Email Marketing you can track and measure your website real time visitors in detail for example you have a full information about your real time visitor like in which country your visitor comes from and how many visitors come across the world wide etc. 

Disadvantage of Email Marketing 

  • Spam
Spam and commercial emails annoying customers. If your emails doesn't reach the right audience it is the high chances to delete and unsubscribe your email by customers. So it's important to keep in mind that your website untrageted click through rate should be very low. 

  • Undelivered emails 
Low quality design emails are not delivered properly. The some emails use this spam keyword and characters in their email content, headings and structures which looks like this : €€€, FREE, click here by flitters by some software. 

  • Design problems 
When your email is ready to appears in multiple devices and platforms but the problem is that it is appears the same on all the devices and platforms and all the platforms and devices are different. Some times user don't like to read the text messages. 
  • Size issuess
It's important to download the flies faster so that visitors don't leave the page without reading your emails . Some times emails takes time to open because some emails contain so many images. 
  • Resources and skills 
In Email Marketing is the most important thing that if you running a email campaign you should have required resources and knowledge in particular areas and fields. If you don't have you can hire someone from outside. 

How to  get started ? 

What We need to start :
  1. Email marketing lists
  2. Email marketing software 
  3. Email lists 
  4. Autoresponder
The first step of any Email marketing campaign is to build your email lists. It is a most important thing to keep in mind in email marketing. 

Optimize your about us page for conversion :

This is a most viewed page of your website by your visitors. 

If your about us page is well designed and easy to understand it is good for your website. 

Use at least one of your email sign up from on the page. 

Create squeeze pages and lead magnets :

Build at least one dedicated page for your website to turn visitors into your subscribers. Design a page which is easy to read and understand. It should have a offer for your visitors to subscribe your website. Also knows as lead magnets. It can be something your visitors can use right now like :
  1. Checklists 
  2. Ebooks 
  3. Swipe files
  4. Case studies 
  5. Vedio templates 

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