Keyword research

 Keyword research

Today google is the most successful and trusted search engine for people when they do research. 

For your website/Blogs to be shown in google searches, it needs something important : keywords.

Keywords is  a  words and phrase. When a person type a search query in the Google (search engine) to find a particular information is called keywords reaserch. 

Why keywords research is important? 

Keywords research is important because everything is all starts with keywords.

For example when a person wanted to know about a particular information. He type in the search engine. Then google provide the information/results pages according to the search query. So it's clear that the only way they try to provide the best information to google that what about the webpage is keywords. 

What is Keyword research

Define your audience and Your goals

Start by defining who is your audience. What kind of people do you want to come to your website. Check who your products and services is for. In this activity you have to figure out what kind of people do you want to target. In short finding your target audience. 

After defining your target audience. You have to define your goals. Like what kind of category you want to target, what kind of age group you want to target, what kind of sector you want to target and what kind of areas you want to target. You have a clear description of everything related to your goals. 

Types of keywords  

There are different kind of keywords but here it is the basic/common two type of keywords. 
  1. Primary keywords : 
                                              Primary keywords is that keyword which main goal is not buying intension. It is used to provide information about the website. It is basically useful when you want to bring traffic to your website through organic search engine results. 
  1. Secondary keywords 
                                                   Secondary keywords is that keywords which main goals is only buying intention. It is used to covert the visitor visit the website to buying their products and services. It is basically useful to generate lead (like fill the form). 

Keywords in URL, Title, Meta Tag and Description, Headlines, Alt Tags 

It is must for seo to include these places in your main keywords in which you want to rank in google searches. 


URL is nothing but the place where keep the website and blogs address And the place where keep the website/blogss address is called URL. 
First thing you have to put the keywords in the webpage URL. Which you want to rank in the google searches. It is the part of SEO. It is a best practice to put the keywords in the near to the URL. 

Title And Discription Tag :

Title tag is an html element find in the head section of the html code of your webpage And Discription tag describes the short summary of your website. So you have to put the keywords in the webpage's title tag and description tag. It is the most important part of the on page SEO. Title and description tag are the short description of the your website. 

Headlines :

Heading is the indirect SEO factor. It highlights the webpage's topic. There are 6 types of Heading. h1 define the most important Heading and h6 define the less important heading. But the most useful headings is h1 (it is the main heading) and h2 is used for sub headings. 

Alt Tag :

Alt tag  is basically provides important information  about the images in the form of text including (image's titles and descriptions) when the images not appear in the webpage due to low connection and speed and may be when the error occurs. In this situation alt tag is good for your website. Then you have to put the alt tag in the webpage. 

Content optimisation :

Today's world content is the king. In SEO point of the view content is the most important factor in your website ranking. You also have to put the keywords in the content. It is best practice to put the keywords in the 2 times in the first paragraph and 1 times used in sub paragraphs if it needs to used. 

Today There are so many different kinds of the content available in the Internet. But it is best to create your own content. IF You used copied and duplicate content it is hard to rank #1 in the search engine results pages. 

Text formatting  :

Text formatting means format the text. In text formatting including so many factors like how much the ratio between text and images will be ? , how much the line spacing will be in the paragraphs. How much the margin will be ? How much the text font will be? There are some basic text formatting tools here. 

  • Bold :         (Ctrl +B) 
This is used for highlighting the text. 

  • Italic :          (Ctrl +I) 
This is used for do the text in the italic form. 

  • Underline :  (Ctrl +U) 
This is used for do the text underline. 

Keyword research tools

  1. Google Keyword Planner 
  2. Google Trends 
  3. Keyword Everywhere 
  4. KWFinder 

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